Malawi is a small and beautiful country.
It is found in the south-east of Africa and safely wedged between Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia.
Malawi is fondly known as the ‘Warm Heart of Africa’ for the friendliness and generosity of its citizens.
Lake Malawi, previously called Lake Nyasa, is her principal geographical feature and covers one-third of the country’s total area. Other important landmarks include Mulanje Mountain and Shire River.
Malawi officially came into being as an independent country on July 6th, 1964.
The name is borrowed from ‘Maravi’, meaning ‘flames’ and points to the Maravi Empire that can be traced back to the 1500s.
The capital city is Lilongwe while Blantyre is the commercial hub. Both cities are favourite destinations for tourists and investors.

Malawians are divided into several ethnic groups.
The main tribes are Yaos and Lomwes in the south, Chewas and Ngonis in the central region and Tumbukas, Ngonis and Tongas in the northern region.
There are at least ten indigenous languages that are spoken in Malawi apart from English and Chichewa, which are the two official languages and are taught at schools.
Do you know the baobab fruit?

What about the peanuts below?

This country has a lot of this food treasure and much, much more!
You can visit the Malawi tourism website for further discovery.