Christmas Vocabulary (Part One)
You are going to learn Christmas Vocabulary in this lesson. Take a pen and a piece of paper to write down the words you do not know. You will thus get the most out of this lesson.
You can also use an online dictionary to practise your pronunciation. Happy learning!
Let’s start with our usual quiz.
Great job!
Now let’s have a look at different types of pictures with Christmas vocabulary. Use a unilingual or bilingual dictionary to check the words you do not understand.
Picture # 1: Christmas is Around the Corner
Can you find the synonyms for the following words?
- Father Christmas?
- Decorations?
- Presents?
- Xmas?
- Greetings?
(The answers are 1) Santa Claus 2) Ornaments 3) Gifts 4) Christmas 5) Salutations)
Picture # 2: Christmas is Just Around the Corner
What is your favourite word in this picture? Maybe you might have two words, or three, or four…?
As for us, we truly like the expression ‘Christmas is Just Around the Corner’. It means ‘Christmas is coming very soon’.
Now look at the vocabulary again. Can you find words in the singular form? What about words in the plural form?
Here are the answers:
Singular form: A manger
Plural form: Lights, holidays, stockings, carols and Greetings
‘MERRY’ is an Adjective here. We usually say ‘Merry Christmas!’, which is another way of saying ‘Happy Christmas!
Picture # 3: A White Christmas
We find this picture interesting, what about you? What do you think of the background? We actually took this photo when it was snowing (We are based in Poland).
Can you pick out 5 words from the list and make 5 sentences? Here are our examples:
- We give gifts to our loved ones at Christmas.
- At night, he loves walking in the streets when they are decorated with fairy lights.
- Most families and schools decorate their house with tinsels.
- Homemade decorations are more and more popular.
- Wrapping paper is easy to find during the Christmas season.
Good luck!
Picture # 4: Seasonal Greetings to You All
Seasonal Greetings to You All! What a hearty expression! Can you think of other expressions we use during this annual festival?
Here are a few:
- Holiday Greetings!
- Warmest greetings!
- Happy Holiday Season!
- Season’s Greetings!
Now it’s your turn! We hope the other expressions will not be too difficult to find.
Picture # 5: The Feelings of Christmas
Is this a Christmas Tree or a Vocabulary tree? Ha, ha, ha. We prefer the latter. Anyway, we wanted to explore the different feelings that we usually experience during this exceptional season. What do you usually feel at Christmas?
Can you find the antonyms of the following words?
- Love?
- Content?
- Delight?
- Peace?
- Joy?
The answers are: 1) Hatred 2) Discontent 3) Misery 4) Agitation 5) Melancholy
What do you think of these differences? Which feelings are positive? Which feelings are negative?
Picture # 6: The Colours of Christmas
There are many colours that we find during the Christmas season. These colours are mostly bright.
In this picture, we listed the colours that we see the most in houses, streets or on people’s clothes.
Can you find the names of these objects? What are their colour? Take note that some objects have multiple colours.
Here are a few examples:
- A tree trunk: Brown and beige
- A christmas ball: Copper
Good luck with the rest!
This is the end of the lesson. You can download the following worksheets for your studies.
Download worksheets:
- Christmas Vocabulary: The Colours of Christmas, December 2016 (PDF)
- Christmas Vocabulary: The Feelings of Christmas, December 2016 (PDF)
- Seasonal Greetings to You All, Learn English With Africa, December 2016 (PDF)
- Christmas Vocabulary: Black and White, December 2016 (PDF)
- Christmas Vocabulary-Christmas is Just Around the Corner, December 2016 (PDF)
- Christmas Vocabulary: Christmas is Around the Corner 1 (With border), December 2016 (PDF)
- Christmas Vocabulary: Christmas is Around the Corner (Without border), December 2016 (PDF)
Further Exploration
We hope this lesson was useful to you! Until next time!