Let’s Describe Arctic and Aquatic Animals!
Hi and welcome to our website!
In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn how to describe arctic and aquatic animals in a detailed way.
If you remember, last week, we talked about wild animals. Did you like the lesson?
I hope that you learn something equally new from this new lesson that I have for you today.
Are you ready to discover what’s in store for you?
Let’s get started!

List of animals
- Shark
- Snail
- Shrimp
- Jellyfish
- Dolphin
- Starfish
- Sea horse (Also ‘seahorse’ or ‘sea-horse’)
- Eel
- Salmon
- Turtle
- Water snake
- Sea lion
- Frog
- Lobster
- Crab
First of all, do you know any of the animals above? Have you ever seen them? If so, where was that?
Was it in an ocean? What about the sea? Perhaps it was in a lake?
Secondly, how old were you when you saw those animals? Eight? Sixteen? Twenty-four? Fifty?
Thirdly, if you haven’t seen any of these animals, would you like to catch a glimpse of them one day?
If you have seen one of these animals, were you…
- mesmerised?
- disappointed?
- encouraged to see more animals?
- discouraged to see more animals?
- shocked?
- happy?
- sad?
- collected?
- focused
- enchanted?
- excited?
- afraid?/frightened?/scared?
- suspicious?
- frustrated?
- nervous?
- indifferent?
Describe Arctic and Aquatic Animals: Examples
Aquatic animals (The list of arctic animals is at the bottom of this page ⬇️)
- I once swam with a dolphin and it was such a wonderful experience! I would like to do this again! Besides, dolphins are so cute and welcoming.
- I am always scared of jellyfish when I swim in the Mediterranean Sea. I don’t want them to sting me. However, I like the way they look.
- I think that starfish are beautiful. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want to own one as a pet.
- Salmon is delicious but I don’t like lobsters despite their expensive price.
- A sea horse is a small marine fish and not a mammal like a horse. Even though it looks cute, it is in fact one of the deadliest predators in the ocean according to this article.
- Sea turtles are as slow as their land counterparts.
- I wouldn’t want to meet a water snake while swimming in the lake.
- It’s amazing how much marine life rivers, lakes, oceans and seas have! Think of sea lions, frogs, shrimps and snails, just to mention a few!

We can also use the above Adjectives to describe wild animals.
Let’s look at a few examples:
- A dolphin is a cute and friendly marine mammal. Yes, it is a mammal and not a fish. It actually uses its lungs to breathe just like us. This is actually amazing! (You can learn more about dolphins here.)
- Sea horses are deadly predators even though they look adorable.
- I am always scared of being stung by a jellyfish. Yet, these animals don’t look aggressive at all! They are rather beautiful, I should say.
- Turtles and snails are generally slow animals unlike water snakes.
- Sea lions look huge like beluga whales.
- It said that most sharks are not that dangerous for human beings.
- Many arctic animals are endangered and threatened species such as the polar bear.
- The arctic tern is a very courageous bird that migrates from the Arctic circle to the Antarctic circle every year, making a trip of about thirty thousand kilometres. You can learn more about this here.
- Puffins and not penguins live in the Arctic regions. Puffins are as gorgeous as penguins though.
Your Turn: Make at least 5 sentences to describe arctic and aquatic animals using the Adjectives in the picture above.
Further Exploration:
Download worksheets:
- English Nature Vocabulary (Lesson 4): Describe Arctic and Aquatic Animals, Learn English With Africa, March 2021
- English Nature Vocabulary (Lesson 4): Describe Arctic and Aquatic Animals (PDF-PowerPoint Presentation), Learn English With Africa, March 2021
Listen to the Lesson:
- English Nature Vocabulary (Lesson 3): Describe Wild Animals, Learn English With Africa, March 2021
- Short Story, When Lions Come to Town, with Adverbs of Time, Level A-A2, Learn English With Africa, May 2020
Watch: Describe Arctic and Aquatic Animals

List of Animals:
- Polar bear
- Reindeer
- Puffin
- Walrus
- Beluga whale
- Snow owl
- Seal
- Arctic fox
- Musk ox
- Arctic tern
- Arctic hare
- Husky
- Ermine
- Narwhal
- Arctic wolf