Quiz: How well do you know Africa? (Part One)

Quiz: How well do you know Africa? (Part One)

Here is an exciting quiz about Africa. You will test your knowledge about the African continent while reviewing the Interrogative Form at the same time.

Let’s start!

1. What does the term 'Afrobeats' refer to?
Wizkid and Davido, Afrobeats giants from Nigeria. Image from https://www.bellanaija.com
Two Afrobeats giants from Nigeria. Image from https://www.bellanaija.com

2. Name the three largest deserts in Africa.
The Sahara Desert, image from http://www.tourist-destinations.com
An African desert, image from http://www.tourist-destinations.com
3. What is the staple food of Malawi?
Nsima, Malawian stable food. Image from https://hermanfung.wordpress.com
A Malawian staple. What is this tasty food? Image from https://hermanfung.wordpress.com
4. What is the name of this fruit?
The Baobab fruit from Africa. Image from Image from https://commons.wikimedia.org
The super fruit from Africa: What is its name? Image from https://commons.wikimedia.org
5. The richest country in Africa by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is:
Seychelles, Africa's richest country
Idyllic beaches contribute to the growth of the tourism industry in this country. Image from http://www.lonelyplanet.com
6. The fastest growing economy in Africa for the year 2016 is:
Abidjan, the capital city of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), image by prepaidafrica, https://www.tumblr.com
Image by prepaidafrica, https://www.tumblr.com
7. How many capital cities does South Africa have? What are their names?
The flag of South Africa, image from https://en.wikipedia.org
The South African flag, image from https://en.wikipedia.org
8. Who was Miriam Makeba?
Miriam Makeba, South African legend, image from http://www.capitalfm.co.ke
Miriam Makeba, image from http://www.capitalfm.co.ke

9. What does the name 'Southern Rhodesia' refer to?
Harare, Zimbabwe, Jacaranda tree bordering a road. image from www.stolicapodrozy.pl
Jacaranda tree bordering a road. image from www.stolicapodrozy.pl
10. What is the name of this African city?
Luanda, a modern African city, image from http://luxafrique.net
A modern African city, image from http://luxafrique.net
11. What are the smallest countries in Africa?
The Gambia, beautiful natural scenery, image from https://www.bradtguides.com
Beautiful natural scenery, image from https://www.bradtguides.com
12. The name of this delicious African dish is:
Delicious Jollof rice : http://whro.org/images/letseat/jollof_rice.jpg
Yummy! Image from http://whro.org
13. Where is the Serengeti National Park?
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, image from http://www.mightytours.co.ke
Serengeti National Park, image from http://www.mightytours.co.ke
14. What is Africa's most populated country? (Do you recognise the city below by the way?)
The capital city of Nigeria, Abuja, http://facet.dlastudenta.pl/
A big city in Africa, image from http://facet.dlastudenta.pl/
15. What are the Virunga Mountains?
The Virunga Mountains (The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda) , image from http://paradiseintheworld.com
The Virunga Mountains, image from http://paradiseintheworld.com
16. What is Nollywood?
Beautiful Genevieve Nnaji, Nollywood actress
Nollywood star, Genevieve Nnaji, image from http://stargist.com
17. Which African country is nicknamed the 'Kingdom in the Sky' and boasts 300 days of sunshine?
Lesotho, beautiful country, image from http://africainstitute.info
A beautiful country, image from http://africainstitute.info
18. Who was Kwame Nkrumah?
Kwame Nkrumah, first president of Ghana, image from https://en.wikipedia.org
Kwame Nkrumah, image from https://en.wikipedia.org
19. Where was the film 'Sarafina' shot?
The oustanding film 'Sarafina', with Whoopi Goldberg, Miriam Makeba and Leleti Khumalo, image from https://en.wikipedia.org
Whoopi Goldberg and Leleti Khumalo in 'Sarafina', image from https://en.wikipedia.org
20. Where does the author of 'Nervous Conditions' come from?
The famous 'Nervous Conditions' by Tsitsi Dangarembga, image from https://www.booksatwork.org
'Nervous Conditions' by Tsitsi Dangarembga, image from https://www.booksatwork.org
21. What is the name of the biggest country in Africa by land area?
Map of Africa with Algeria in green
Map of Africa, image from http://www.panstwaswiata.pl/



Video version of the quiz:

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