Tami and Talu are twins and they live in our street. They are very tall and talkative. This is why it hard to miss them. Think of it: two people that look alike and they tower over every single body. How can you not see them? Not seeing them is an impossible task.
Tami and Talu are two handsome young men who know how to talk to young women. They treat girls with respect and this is what girls like —to be treated with respect at all times. The twins know how to do this and they are treated well in return.
Tami and Talu were once beautiful babies. Everyone in our neighbourhood knew them because they were a marvel to look at. They were big and tall, and healthy and everything. On top of that, their resemblance was a marvel to look at. Tami and Talu made their mother very proud.
Tami and Talu’s mother is still proud of her twins. They are two strong young men who never talk back to her with disrespect. Besides, they make her laugh and help her with many household tasks every single day. Those two boys can even cook! What a blessing they are. Tami and Talu will make their future wives proud. Indeed, beautiful babies are beautiful.
Tami and Talu want to marry. They want to get out of their parents’ home and start families of their own. First of all, they have to get jobs and have a stable income before they can have beautiful babies of their own. Their mother is not worried though and she knows that they will turn into beautiful fathers. These two future parents, her own sons, will make their own sons happy and proud.
Tami and Talu are two proud young men. They work hard every single day and they make the most of their time. Most of all, they never bother anyone because they have no time to waste. You can almost read this on their foreheads:
TEAM TAMI AND TALU—Twins with a beautiful future and no time to waste.
Take it or leave it, jealous down. When I see Tami and Talu, I see the future of all our young men—young, beautiful and strong men; men with beautiful spirits and beautiful bodies; men with beautiful desires for the future.
Tami and Talu are beautiful young men with a beautiful future. I see nothing else.
Further Exploration:
Download Worksheet:
- Short Story, Beautiful Babies are Beautiful, with Adjectives Starting with the Letter T, Learn English With Africa, June 2020
- Adjectives Starting with the Letter ‘T’, Learn English With Africa, June 2020
- Short Story: The Last Piece of Chicken, with the Simple Present Tense and Vocabulary for Talking about Food, learn English With Africa, June 2020
- Short Story: The Old Witch and the Wish, with Vocabulary for Talking about Wishes, Learn English With Africa, September 2019
- Short Story: The Astronaut from Bolero, Learn English With Africa, December 2016